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Diary of William Chancellor


The diary of William Chancellor, who worked as a doctor on board the sloop "Wolf" when it departed New York in September 1749 on a 20-month slaving voyage to the coast of West Africa. Another volume of his diary, either lost or destroyed, covered the period from September 1749 to mid-May 1750, while this surviving volume entitled "Continuation of a Voyage from New York to the Coast of Africa in the Sloop Wolf Gurnay Wall Command" begins on May 18, 1750 and ends May 10, 1751. Chancellor's diary entries detail the misery he witnessed amongst the captured Africans on board. Dozens of individuals died from disease and violence, including four men who were drowned after attempting to revolt against the crew.



Production Note

Digitized microfilm of original diary.


Collection Number

MS 899


126 pages

Resource ID



The pagination and chronology of the diary are incomplete: there are duplicate page numbers, pages bearing no page number, and six pages missing.

The original diary is restricted to microfilm, but pages 84-86 have been digitized and are also available in the Digital Collections (see related resources).

Digital Publisher

Digital resource provided by the Maryland Center for History and Culture


The Maryland Center for History and Culture believes this work to be in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States and it therefore may be used, reproduced and distributed without permission. As MCHC is responsible for the digitized version of this work, MCHC requests attribution for material obtained from this website, citing our name and the resource ID.

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